
Why CAT5, CAT5e or CAT6?

It’s a perennial question, one that our Network Drops specialists hear on a regular basis, “What is the CAT in CAT5?”

Unless you or your business immerses itself in IT, and the digital, CAT5 is almost like magic, if you will. When our CAT5 installers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania implement a re-envisioned and restructured wiring solution, their clients suddenly experience a burst in network speed that previously wasn’t thought possible.

“Category 5 Cable”
Our answer, although not as exciting as a magical power like telepathy, has more to do with the telephony and video functions of the cabling. Category 5 Cabling is one of a generation of ethernet cables, designed by electrical and electronics engineers. With every iteration since CAT3, we’ve been at the forefront, as newer categories have meant faster bandwidth and less noise.

Depending on an organization and its network usages, an older cable like Category 5 could be the ideal cabling solution. Supporting up to 100 MHz and transmission speeds of 10, 100, 1000 megabits per second, Cat5 may be laid out and utilized over a 100 meters.

Although a CAT5 is technically an obsolete cable, only by consulting with a CAT5 installer in the New Jersey & CAT5 installer in the Pennsylvania area can you be certain it’s not what you and your organization will want.

Subcategory 5e
Recognized as the technical replacement to the Category 5 Cable, the Category 5e is mostly an identical pair, save for the fact that it cancels out more digital noise than its predecessor.

If maintaining the speed and reliability of a smaller building or office is your main priority, then an installation of CAT5e cabling may be the exact solution that you. Optimally suited for residencies and smaller offices, CAT5e has both the speed and affordability to retain its IT devotees.

“Category 6 Cabling”
It’s when we start talking to the operators of 10,000 sq. foot facilities that CAT6 seems necessary and pertinent. Supporting 10x more bits per second than CAT5 and CAT5e, this is a cable of the most competitive and productive of organizations—collaborating across channels with the alacrity of seasoned professionals.

Because we know and love the technical capabilities of CAT6, we’re the ideal CAT6 installers in New Jersey and CAT6 installers in Pennsylvania. Working with you and your IT, we’ll make your company optimal.
